- There are several kinds/types of breast cancer
- Breast cancer is the second most popular cancer in women
- #1 cause of cancer death in Hispanic women, #2 for the rest
- Risk of incidence and mortality increase with age
- there has been a decrease over the last 3 years in incidence & mortality (this is good)
- Women who are higher educated are more likely to seek a mammography
(all facts & statistics were retrieved by the CDC website)
The last bullet point is the most interesting and should be discussed. Why? It is likely that women who are higher educated are more likely to take preventative measures because they have there "own" physician who has discussed breast screenings with them and they may have the means (financial, transportation, higher comfort levels with physicians) than lower educated since there is a direct connection between education and income (mind you this is based on research not just my opinion and there are always exceptions to the rule). This is why it's so important that you and the women you love are aware that breast checks can be free. You can check at home and/or you can seek free breast cancer checks through various organizations. I know I may have brought up an uncomfortable topic for some blogger's and may have made some arguable points, but my focus is in getting your attention. So please share the info and encourage others. the CDC site provides sites that walk you through how to do a self examination and other information.
If you have a cancer story (regardless of the type) please share it. Talking about cancer is part of the awareness process and your voice gives a face and a reality to others.
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