Today it's on! Dave and I have this secret pleasure (which is about to be no longer secret). We Bingo!!!
That's right we get down and competitive with the old folks. I have drawn boundaries when it comes to playing so no worries I have no trolls, but boy do I LOVE bingo. "duck and dive G35". Yes I am one of those crazy gals that has 4 playing sheets laid out in front of her (note each sheet has 4 games on it, for you non bingo'ers).
It all began with an invite by my g-parents to have dinner with them at the CC (country club). it turned out dinner preceeded the main Ever since we try to go once a month on the first friday of that month (its the only night they'll let us in). And the best part is that it's totally free. Thanks to Papa. He buys the cards and if we win he doesn't even take the money. NICE... We won $50 bucks once but that's about it. Oh and I did walk away with some nice golf balls.
So tonight I brush elbows with the blue hair ladies and annicipate the shear joy of yelling "Bingo boo ya" (I really will do the "boo ya" part). I'll let you know if I walk away a winner, but heck how can you lose? food, old people stories, and bingo. It's the best.
April 5, 2008 at 11:10 AM
I am soooooooo jealous!
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