~9pm ~inhaled 5 double stuff oreos & a pickle ~thinking about the weight accumulated over last few months ~rumage freezer ~discover frostbitten blueberry ego waffles ~ heat & eat waffles ~sit in shame
I talk WAY too much about absolutely nothing, but it's my own way of getting to what actually matters. Too analytical but at times it comes in handy. Enjoy hearing peoples stories. Get bugged by stereo-type people. Bad speller. Secretly lazy. Quasi OCD. Carry a constant frustration for the marginalization within America. Sarcastic. Suffer from (UL) aka uncontrollable laughter...never know when it's going to hit.
June 16, 2008 at 4:05 PM
frostbitten blueberry ego waffles
taste even better at 11pm...arhhh so good..hehe
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