Guilt - the state of one who has committed an offense especially consciously (merriam-webster online dictionary).
Pleasure - a source of delight or joy.a state of gratification. (Merriam-webster online dictionary).
- Boybands
- Ellen (daytime show)
- Purposely not replacing the toilet paper roll
- Cool Ranch dorrito chips (the whole bag in one sitting). Start with the little tiny pieces, then just the ones with too much seasoning (it makes sense), before I know it they're all gone.
- Cupcakes
- Easedroping on strangers
- Anything Tupac, P.Diddy (is that still his name?), Mase, Kayne West. I blast it really loud and sing to it (imagine opening scene of The Office).
- Procrastination
- Cussing and then lecturing Dave when he does it...hehehe
- Watching a whole show from start to end in one sitting. I mean from very first episode (pilot) to show finale. I watched Gilmore Girls for 4 days without doing anything else but feeding my newborn son last year.
Okay you know some of mine, what are yours?
February 28, 2008 at 12:01 PM
You forgot one: looking into people's houses at night ;-) or does that fall under easedropping?
And do you mean opening scene of Office Space? Because if there's a rapping Jim, Dwight or Michael moment, I've GOT to go back and find it!!!!
February 28, 2008 at 1:16 PM
The opening scene I'm speaking of is found in the 1998 movie Office Space. A MUST SEE!
February 28, 2008 at 10:21 PM
I completely agree. Prior to watching it, if you would have asked me to name a brand of stapler, I would have been at a loss. But now I proudly say Swingline! lol
February 28, 2008 at 10:59 PM
hmmm not really sure, i like gwen stefani...just like her music...ummmm lets see, observing people at barns n noble or public areas were people talk,( is that the same as easedroping?)...watching movies on a saturday..all day not just for a few hours. jane austen, only the books, i will only watch the movies if i am forced to by my girlfriend for brownie points.
Luis from myspace
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