RenderingRisch turns 1 this month. Technically, my blog turned 1 on the 2nd but whose counting? wait I am.
So this may be the biggest communicative commitment I have ever made and kept. For being a Communication person I really suck at staying in constant contact with people. I try but not well. I struggle to stay in contact with myself. Hence my dusty journal placed beneath 3 books on my night stand.
I'm a "really bad memory gal" so if I don't verbally regurgitate I forget. Ask some of my dear friends who often experience the random "krystin call" which consist of random thoughts from through out my day. My poor friends.
Thus to have managed to quasi maintain a blog for 1 year is huge! This is my journal (explains the randomness, doesn't it?). So there you have it! I'm not expecting to keep this up for another year. nor am I making this some kind of resolution. I am merely stating the obvious and giving myself a pat on the back for actually blogging for a year. perhaps I will do the same thing next year.
July 4, 2008 at 4:32 PM
Happy Blogaversary!
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