After spending the afternoon reviewing educational laws and bylaws I started reflecting on more enjoyable areas of education. Below is a brief description of a few of my favorite instructors from college.
(please note I'm brave enough to post a picture w/ me 8 months preggo)
Please enjoy:
- Dr. C = Chinese accent was incredibly difficult to interpret and read (no that's not a misprint). Favorite remark "You are my little lions, ready to roar, I shall teach you how."
- Dr. D = Deaf and refused to use a hearing aid or interpreter. It was an incredibly interesting political science course. End grade = C
- Dr. C (different one) = Last semester before retirement. Favorite remark, " All religions are cults, so pick one and prove it."
- Dr. U = Sold me on communication as life. Favorite project: Select a topic that the majority of people in the room disagree with and now persuade them. Final project. Success = majority persuaded.
- Dr. P = Continues to refer to me as Molly Shannon and shouts "superstar" whenever I'm in view.
January 3, 2009 at 6:46 PM
I will have to think of a favorite prof, but I would like to know what you chose as your topic of persuassion in Dr. U's...??
January 4, 2009 at 12:59 PM
Very excited for you....and anxious, but that is my own
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