Update It
Hey Folks,
Don't forget to update your link to www.renderingrisch.wordpress.com
I'm still posting away, just at a different site!
to blogspot. I have caved to peer pressure. Actually there wasn't any pressure I just happened to check out other servers after her and her switched theirs and well I was persuaded. So visit me here and don't forget to switch the address on your readers and list.
Posting at www.renderingrisch.wordpress.com
Posting at www.renderingrisch.wordpress.com
Goodbye Thursday
I have a date every Thursday night and my husbands not invited. Well, it's not that kind of date its a "girlish" night. My dear friend whom you can spy on here comes over every Thursday for gab, goodies, and videos (but mostly for gab). I always have such a great time hanging with her and I have to admit on Thursdays I find myself rushing my son through his night routine so I can have "girl time".
After having 2 kiddos in 18 months I have discovered the necessity of adult time. It appears Dave discovered the importance of this too which is why he began day shift this month (previously he worked nights 7-7:30). So now I have my partner home and awake during the evenings, which is amazing, but I must say goodbye to my Thursday "girlish" nights (don't fret we've decided to just move the time).
We chose to say good-bye to Thursday nights in proper form with m&m popcorn, wine, diet soda, and a show (I'm not sure that we ever got to the show part?).
s m
y grigio friend...thanks.
After having 2 kiddos in 18 months I have discovered the necessity of adult time. It appears Dave discovered the importance of this too which is why he began day shift this month (previously he worked nights 7-7:30). So now I have my partner home and awake during the evenings, which is amazing, but I must say goodbye to my Thursday "girlish" nights (don't fret we've decided to just move the time).
We chose to say good-bye to Thursday nights in proper form with m&m popcorn, wine, diet soda, and a show (I'm not sure that we ever got to the show part?).

are always an interesting topic come lecture day. How should the topic be introduced? How should it be discussed? What does it mean to be ethical? My conclusion was to ask them the same questions.
I spent the majority of class presenting various ethical dilemmas and allowing students to argue whether the situations were ethical or unethical and why. Lets say the day concluded with the decision not to leave my wallet unattended in my 8am class.
Here are a few of the "dilemmas" I presented...what would you do?
- Do you have a responsibility to tell the cashier that she or he undercharged you?
- Is it unethical for spouses of police officers to get out of tickets?
- Is it ethical to smoke around children?
- Do you have an ethical responsibility to leave a tip if your waiter provided "good service"?
Did you watch
The Grammy's? what was your favorite performance? Coldplay was my personal winner!
Oh no you didn't
2/06/2009I took the scissors,
I knew I should'nt,
no one was there,
I really blew it.
I closed my eyes,
I bit my lip,
I thought "heck it saves a trip."
I took the scissors,
it was late,
I considered stopping,
what an internal debate.
I started to back down
then recalled the economic state.
To save a buck,
why not try.
I took the scissors
I almost died.
They were everywhere,
but in my eyes
I should have know not to do it
I definitely don't resemble Jennifer Love-Hewitt.
Now here I am
surrounded by hair.
All I can do is stand and stare.
What have I done?
What was I thinking?
I'd rather lived another day constantly blinking.
*I'll be sporting this "pulled back" look for awhile!
In your opinion what's not worth saving a few dollars on?
for me its hair (bangs, color, style)
no one was there,
I really blew it.
I closed my eyes,
I bit my lip,
I thought "heck it saves a trip."
I took the scissors,
it was late,
I considered stopping,
what an internal debate.
I started to back down
then recalled the economic state.
To save a buck,
why not try.
I took the scissors
I almost died.
They were everywhere,
but in my eyes
I should have know not to do it
I definitely don't resemble Jennifer Love-Hewitt.
Now here I am
surrounded by hair.
All I can do is stand and stare.
What have I done?
What was I thinking?
I'd rather lived another day constantly blinking.

In your opinion what's not worth saving a few dollars on?
for me its hair (bangs, color, style)
There's a Gardening Society
Yesterday we spilled sun screen all over the back of the car so in the midst of removing the carpet to clean up the disaster I discovered the magazines I had purchased(disclaimer: my car isn't THAT messy, I have a hidden department in the back where I placed & forgot them). I got to spend the rest of the day clipping out recipes I wanted to try and I was pretty jazzed. Anyway, I say all this b/c I'm interested to know what are some of the best recipes you've found in magazines? Oh, and no I typically don't read Sunset.
It's like a rush
getting an amazing deal on something. I guess it's comparable to hunting but without the blood and loss of life (unless it's black Friday). I used to LOVE shopping, but there's not much time or resources for that these days so I've taken to the occasional hunt. Who hunts out there?
You know when you go to a store and you discover/stalk an amazing deal on some item/prey. You might go back a few times to check out the stability/resting place of the sale price and then it happens...the store/herd lets down/reduces its guard/asking price and *BAM* the items vulnerable and that's when you take aim and fire/grab & buy.
Well this last week I went hunting with a good gal pal and she'd been stalking a location and we swooped in and *Bam* I got a sweater that was originally $78.00 for $9.00!!!! So I had to take a picture of my prey.
You know when you go to a store and you discover/stalk an amazing deal on some item/prey. You might go back a few times to check out the stability/resting place of the sale price and then it happens...the store/herd lets down/reduces its guard/asking price and *BAM* the items vulnerable and that's when you take aim and fire/grab & buy.
Well this last week I went hunting with a good gal pal and she'd been stalking a location and we swooped in and *Bam* I got a sweater that was originally $78.00 for $9.00!!!! So I had to take a picture of my prey.
I know I'm sad,
I know because I was at a wonderful party celebrating a friends 30th when all I could think about was my nice comfy bed. So here it is barely 10pm and I'm in my PJ's finishing up a movie and about to fall asleep at 10:11pm. Oh and the topper...Dave's already asleep! Yup...sad. What'd you do Saturday night?
She's coming SOON
Good Morning
Wait scratch that! Nothings good at 5am (it's an ungodly hour if you weren't aware). I know this b/c only a few kinds
of people are up at 5am; insomniacs, those questioning their occupations, grandparents who go to bed at 7pm, and runners.

I'm not up b/c I'm running or "pre"running. Unless you count running away from children. Both my lovelies woke up simultaneously at 5am. I've concluded it's either; 1. a plot to strip mom from all sanity or 2. to take over the world, starting with insomniacs, truckers, grandparents, and runners. Take the runners first! Please.