If you weren't hanging out at the Russian Baptist Church in Sacramento this weekend then you were missing out! Why? I'll tell you why!
John Piper was holding a
regional conference on the Pleasures of God. If you don't know who John Piper is, well my friend, your missing out. I think I read something of his for the first time about seven years ago and I can honestly say it changed my life, at least the way I live & look at it.
I am not one for promoting movements or authors or pastors or theologians (perhaps comment on, but not promote) this time I'll make an exception. What I heard this weekend is already available
online and I'll be sharing more in detail as I begin to digest it all.
October 19, 2007 at 6:36 PM
I was so knotted that I missed this - especially that I work for the California Southern Baptists and knew nothing about until last Friday. I'm sure it was a great expereince to interact with Dr. Piper in person. How was it?
October 19, 2007 at 10:44 PM
It was amazing. I'm still trying to formulate words that express the experience appropriately. Don't worry he's coming back in March. He will be in San Luis Obispo holding a regional conference on Desiring God.
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